Patient Stories

  • Finding a Way Through PCOS

    Finding a Way Through PCOS

    A patient success story After two years of marriage, my husband and I were ready to expand our family, however I was concerned about my PCOS diagnosis. I explained to my husband that it could be hard for me to get pregnant, but he did not believe that we would have any difficulty. Several months…

  • Infertility, an Unexpected Trial

    Infertility, an Unexpected Trial

    A patient success story Ashley and Jordan Allen never imagined that they would have an infertility story. They moved to Chattanooga when they were married in July of 2007, they settled into careers (Ashley is a recreation therapist and Jordan is a mechanical engineer), and expected they would become pregnant soon after stopping birth control in…

  • My TRM Story: Praying for a Miracle

    My TRM Story: Praying for a Miracle

    My OB/GYN told me that I was young and that I just needed to give it time. But it was hard to be patient. My husband wasn’t all that worried, but I freaked out a little more and more every day. At the end of the second year, I went back to the gynecologist for…

  • An RN’s Infertility Journey

    An RN’s Infertility Journey

    by Stephanie Kibble I’m a registered nurse who faced infertility and overcame the physical and emotionally draining challenges. This was a new area of medicine for me because I’m an adult cardiac nurse. It was a great learning experience and I had to research the basics just as anyone facing infertility needs to do. The…


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