Ways to Cope With the Stress of Infertility & Maintain Hope

As you take steps to cope with the stress of infertility, it is also important to find ways to confront your emotions.

Thinking through the many facets of infertility can be overwhelming, but in an interview, TRM’s Dr. Jessica Scotchie shares how infertility and emotions are linked. She also provides insight and tips on how to confront emotions.Healthscope Logo

“The fear of not realizing a long standing dream of becoming a parent can be paralyzing and significantly impair a person’s psychological well being,” Dr. Scotchie says. Equally as overwhelming are the many possible treatments and procedures one might go through while looking for a solution.

“Women and men struggle with feelings of inadequacy and guilt, and may have uncomfortable feelings of envy or resentment toward friends and relatives who are pregnant or have children,” Dr. Scotchie says.

The Mayo Clinic suggests a variety of things that can help with these feelings, such as sharing your emotions with your partner, taking care to keep your support system close, and continuing to make healthy lifestyle choices in regards to sleeping, eating, and exercise. These simple measures can help you cope with the stress of infertility.

“There is a deep and incredible pain that often accompanies infertility. But remember that there are an immense number of resources, friends, and medical professionals ready and willing to walk alongside you through that pain and onto the path of hope.”

Read HealthScope’s article

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