Hope in Infertility

Expert Advice: IVF Cycles

Healthscope LogoBy Julianne Hale 

“Fortunately, the majority of our patients conceive in their first IVF cycle. But if they don’t, in general, the first three IVF cycles have roughly the same success rates. The number of times any individual patient should do IVF depends on their testing and their prior IVF cycle(s) outcomes, if performed. Each IVF cycle is therapeutic, as well as highly informative to us about how a patient responds to various IVF protocols. Evaluating prior IVF cycles often helps us discover novel changes that may dramatically improve a patient’s chance of success in their next cycle, whether their first cycle was performed with us or elsewhere. Though we don’t always succeed, we have had a lot of success in achieving conception where we, or others, have previously failed.” – Rink Murray, MD

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