Fertility Research Publications

Doctors Rink Murray and Jessica Scotchie both have clinical research interests in fertility and in vitro fertilization (IVF) as well as outcomes and success.

Proteomic Analysis of the Luteal Endometrial Secretome.
Scotchie JG, Fritz MA, Mocanu M, Lessey BA, Young SL.
Reprod Sci. 2009 Jun 3.

Predictors and implications of estradiol rise after gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist initiation during in vitro fertilization cycles.
Scotchie JG, Will M, Fritz MA, Steiner AZ.
J Reprod Med. 2009 Apr; 54(4):211-7.

G protein-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER) expression in normal and abnormal endometrium.
Plante BJ, Lessey BA, Taylor RN, Wang W, Bagchi MK, Yuan L, Scotchie J, Fritz MA, Young SL.
Reprod Sci. 2012 Jul;19(7):684-93. Epub 2012 Feb 28. PMID: 22378861 [PubMed-in process]


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