In Chattanooga Times Free Press, Dr. Scotchie Explains Miscarriage Effects on Fertility
One miscarriage usually has no effect on fertility, but two or more consecutive miscarriages can indicate a fertility issues In a recent Ask a Doctor article, TRM’s Dr. Jessica Scotchie reassures patients that a single miscarriage typically does not impact future fertility. She explains that many women go on to have healthy pregnancies afterward and…
Frozen Embryo Storage FAQ
Patients have questions about frozen embryo storage, and we have all the answers, all in one place.
Dr. Natalie Vukmer Departs TRM
Dr. Vukmer will be leaving TRM at the end of June 2024 to attend the REI Fellowship Training Program at the University of Pittsburgh.
What the Alabama Supreme Court Ruling That Embryos Are Children Means for Tennessee
Here’s what you need to know about the Feb. 2024 Alabama court ruling that embryos are children, what it means for Tennessee, and what YOU can do to advocate for fertility treatment protections.