Tennessee IVF & Fertility Clinic Location and Satellite Monitoring Centers

TRM is located in Chattanooga, TN, but attracts patients from across Tennessee such as Nashville, Memphis, and Knoxville and the Southeast, including those from Florida, Georgia, Alabama and North Carolina.

Traveling to TRM for treatment?

Get started remotely. Call our Chattanooga clinic at 423-509-8094 to schedule your first appointment by phone. Phone consultations are a great opportunity to evaluate the fertility process based on available medical records although do not replace a physical examination. As such, consult fees ($300) are not covered by insurance.

Phone consultation disclaimer form

All in person consultations and fertility treatments are completed here, at TRM’s Chattanooga location.

For the convenience of patients wanting to perform some laboratory monitoring and ultrasound visits locally, TRM can recommend clinics in nearby cities in Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama that may help our patients with outside cycle monitoring during treatment cycles. In those cases, the patient may be able to stay local for much of their care but still have TRM manage their care, reserving trips to TRM for the most critical parts of treatment. Outside monitoring will involve separate treatment fees to outside clinics.

Chattanooga IVF & Fertility Clinic – Main Office

6031 Shallowford Road, Suite 101 Chattanooga, TN, 37421
Call 423-509-8094 for an appointment.

Remote monitoring centers

Patients completing their monitoring visits outside of our Chattanooga fertility clinic, will need to establish a new physician/patient relationship with their monitoring center. Patients should note that these outside monitoring clinics have their own billing, patient portals and office procedures.

If you elect to use a remote monitoring center, please alert your TRM care team so we can connect you with our financial advisor to discuss how this impacts your treatment costs.

Infertility patients in Northeastern Tennessee, Western North Carolina, or Kentucky may be able to use centers closer to their homes for some of the treatment monitoring – TRM will order and coordinate all treatment and the outside centers would perform monitoring, send results to TRM and TRM physicians will manage all the care.

Conveniently complete ultrasound and lab monitoring appointments closer to home

The satellite centers below are unaffiliated but recommended by TRM and provide ultrasound and lab monitoring for added convenience for our out-of-town patients needing those services.

Knoxville Tennessee Monitoring Clinic

Call 423-509-8094 for an appointment. This center provides ultrasound and lab monitoring for added convenience for our out of town patients. TRM patients who complete their monitoring appointments outside of our Chattanooga clinic will need to establish a new physician/patient relationship, as this new provider will have their own billing, patient portal and other unique patient procedures. 

Rome, Georgia Fertility Monitoring Clinic

15 Riverbend Drive, Suite 200, Rome, GA  30161
Call 423-509-8094 for an appointment. This center provides ultrasound and lab monitoring for added convenience for our out of town patients. TRM patients who complete their monitoring appointments outside of our Chattanooga clinic will need to establish a new physician/patient relationship, as this new provider will have their own billing, patient portal and other unique patient procedures. 


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